Monday, January 31, 2011

"Break out the L word", "Lesbian?"

"The other L word", "...Lesbians?"
Scott Pilgrim vs. the world 


Ha too much love for Karl Pilkington.

x ^_^ x

Sunday, January 30, 2011

a careless, young mess.

chosen secret:

what a weird thing to ask your mum.


x ^_^ x

Saturday, January 29, 2011

guns don't kill people, rappers do

I've seen it in a documentary on bbc 2.

x ^_^ x

Friday, January 28, 2011

the girl is gone

Just pictures and videos today, enjoy :)

Ha what a waste of time, but still pretty awesome.

LOL, it's long but the insults towards the end are genius

The Daily Fail.

10 o'clock live 

Cool wHip

x ^_^ x

Thursday, January 27, 2011

I'm just a normal functioning member of the human race and there's no way anyone can prove otherwise.

Been watching 'Peep Show' pretty much all day, if you haven't seen it then you need sectioning. Obv Mark and Jeremy are my faves but 'Super Hans' says the best things:

"People like Coldplay and voted for the Nazis. You can't trust people, Jeremy"

 "Don't. Say. Crack, Jez. Yeah? Please. Not now. 'Cause you saying crack makes me think about crack and I love crack. So can you not say crack?" :D

Jez: Mark, do you have to live quite so relentlessly in the real world?

Jez: Crunchy Nut Cornflakes are just Frosties for wankers.
Mark: Frosties are just Cornflakes for people who can't face reality.

Jeremy: I've got loads of really important stuff to do this weekend.
Mark: Jeremy, a carton of Mars Bar Milk, a small bag of marijuana, and a pirated DVD of Anchorman are not important things.


Jim Parsons :P

x ^_^ x

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

it was your heart on the line.

Bleurgh in a weird mood today I want to say some things to some people:

- You are not good enough for her, you never will be. If you think you can carry on treating her like shit then you are wrong.
- Seriously stop treating me like a little kid and talking to me as if I don't matter or I'm never coming home again.
- I'm glad you're happy and whatever choices you make I'll support you.
- I hope you're happy, don't worry you are better off without her.
- I miss you.

Apparently I'm a hipster, ha.

O.O too much hotness

x ^_^ x

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

baby please don't let me go

I'm 20 today, eeeeeeeeeek. Not until 23:35 though ;)

This is what I got from my mum and dad:

Peep show box set ftw! Rex toy ^_^, An idiot abroad book, Scott Pilgrim, hairband, charm bracelet, pick 'n' mix and a lead for my car, :P

My brother brought me a pink dress from Topshop, Flight of the conchords boxset, a sand timer necklace, bracelet and hair clips.

I'm a very lucky girl (:

Tonight I went out for dinner and drinks with Laura and Amy, love you both <3

Here's a few images for you to enjoy....

blogger ;) same difference.

x ^_^ x