Thursday, May 13, 2010

so close, yet so far.

So I'm a bit fed up atm, Need to sort my life out tbh! But there is only 15 days before the end of my first year at university :O I can't believe it, it has gone ridiculously fast. Talking of uni, at the moment we are doing a broadcast unit. For our final project we have to film a 3 minute item for a daytime show. To practice using the cameras and editing equipment we had to make a mini film asking people questions. This is our film we made :), I'm the new Alexa Chung, no?

At the weekend I went to a sleepover (yeah I'm really cool) and we made pizzas, check out our mad skillz.


They were yummy :)

On a completely different note, I want these shoes more than life. And they don't have them anywhereee :'(

If anybody sees these in new look in a size 5, please buy them for me!

Oh yeah and I heard there's a new prime minister or some shit? dayummmm.

Sorry for the completely random post, ha, leave me feedback yea???

x ^_^ x

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