Monday, November 19, 2012

Okay so...

I know I always do these posts saying I'm sorry that I haven't posted but I really am and I have no excuse really to not have posted since June and I will try and keep up with it now. Not that anybody actually looks at this blog anymore so...

 Anyway here is an update on my life if anybody was wondering (which you probably weren't) I graduated from Uni in July and have been working in Miss Selfridge since then. I also interned at More! Magazine for two weeks which I can talk about in a new post. Also I'm living back in good ol' Essixxx which is fun. I'm actually looking forward to Christmas so that it will be busier at work and so that we can listen to xmas songs instead of mind numbing pop/hip hop/dance all day.

 Ahh almost forgot I bought some new trainers on Saturday...

Nike Hi Tops in lilac! sorry about the terrible photo, my phone camera is shocking. But yeah I love them.


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