For example he said: "If you look at some of the things I'm quoted to have said in the daily mail and so on...I'd be a monster, those things are outright lies".
David Dimbleby went on to say:
"You say you are misquoted on ethnicity... "I want to see Britain become 99% genetically white just as she was 11 years before I was born"..."You say you're misquoted all I'm saying is I can't find the misquotations, and apparently nor can you".
Of course there is such a thing as democracy and everybody is entitled to have their say. The BNP did get two seats in the European parliament and therefore should be able to participate in debates on a political show such as question time. However it seems Nick Griffin will never be treated the same as other politicians.Also Griffin is quoted as saying the show had been a "beat up Nick Griffin programme instead of Question Time". But if he had actually answered any of the questions directly then it may have certainly been Question Time.